Glenbervie Pottery ceramic artists Jin Ling and Greg Barron


Glenbervie Pottery ceramic artists Jin Ling and Greg Barron

Woodfired stoneware and porcelain and figurative sculptural

Just ten minutes from Whangarei central and situated amid an area of garden and native bush, the earth built gallery displays the work of Jin Ling and Greg Barron alongside their studio and workshop.

Jin Ling with extensive cv as a sculptor has been awarded on numerous occassions. Known for her distinctive figurative style working with the female form.

Greg has worked as potter more than fifty years, has been a frequent exhibitor at many of NZ’s prestigious exhibitions and awards. Produces diverse range of stoneware and porcelain, often large scale and woodfired.

Contact Information

294 Ngunguru Rd., R.D.3. Whangarei 0173
Zip/Post Code
Payment types accepted
Cash and bank deposit.
Studio accessibility
Glenbervie Pottery is well sign posted, with good all weather access and generous metalled turning and parking area.
