346 Ceramics & Mea by Bryony Puketapu

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346 Ceramics & Mea by Bryony Puketapu

Come and check out ipu from Emma (346 Ceramics) and Bryony (Mea by Bryony Puketapu) in Emma’s (hopefully) sunny garden.  There will be baking, activities, pets and pots!  Read more about both of us below.

Mea by Bryony Puketapu

Ko Pukeatua tōku maunga

Ko Waiwhetū me Te Awakairangi ōku awa

Ko Tokomaru tōku waka

Ko Te Āti Awa me te Kuki Airani ōku iwi

Ko Puketapu tōku hāpu

Ko Waiwhetū tōku marae

Ko Arohanui ki Te Tangata te whare tupuna

Ko Bryony ahau

Over the last year uku and its tikanga has been incredibly healing in my reclamation journey of te ao Māori. It’s helped me to realise my identity has always informed the way I work, rather than what I make.

My whānau are all creators and repairers so I am guided by practical and sustainable problem solving, leading me down my path to ngā mea ataahua. The journey is more important to me than the finished product itself. I feel this is inherently me and…he māori ahau!


346 Ceramics

Tēnā koutou katoa.

Ko Ingarangi, ko Kōtirana, ko Itāria, ko Aerana te whakapaparanga mai. Ko Tāmaki Makaurau te whenua tupu, engari kei Te Whanganui-a-Tara ahau e noho ana. Kō Emma ahau.

I started messing about with clay in April 2022 and things escalated quickly… I now have a wee studio at home which is where you’ll find me when I’m not at my day job.  I love making things that people can use, and I love that my flops and failures can be recycled so nothing gets wasted (at least until it goes into the kiln!).  I’ve also found a great new community in Pōneke through pottery – potters are such fabulous folks.  I’m excited to be part of this cool initiative, though somewhat intimidated by being listed alongside so many professsional artists!

Contact Information

346, The Terrace, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand
Zip/Post Code
Social Info
Payment types accepted
eftpos, cash, bank transfer
Studio accessibility
The best way to access our place is from the pathway called Kake Tonu Way. This runs from the top of the Buller St steps up to the university turf. Our gate is the second (and last) one on the right as you walk up. If you come by car there is usually parking available at Te Aro School during the weekends.
